Raylene is passionate about finding the joy in the journey! She has represented Canada as a rider at 3 ISSEA World Cups and has been part of Canada’s coaching team for 2 Invitationals and the 2018 World Cup in Lexington, KY. Raylene is looking forward to once again having the privilege of being part of the coaching team for the 2020 World Cup in Parys, South Africa.
Raylene and husband Rob live on the outskirts of Sylvan Lake in Central Alberta and feel blessed to have so many family members, including their children and beautiful granddaughters, close by!

Lynne Redmond has been a lifelong Saddlebred enthusiast, coach and trainer. Lynne's first involvement with Word Cup was in 2008 when her first student competed in South Africa and she was able to see her dream come true of being there. That was to be the first of several World Cup events in SA and in the US for Lynne and students, where incredible friends and memories have been made in both countries. Lynne herself still enjoys showing in Canada and the US. Lynne is past President of ASHA of Canada, is also on the board for Saddle Seat Canada and is honoured to be sharing the Coach/Manager position again for Team Canada with her sister/ friend, Raylene McWade as well as Assistant Coach Sandra Sanche.
Raylene McWade
Saddle Seat Canada 2019/2020 Team Coach
Lynne Redmond
Saddle Seat Canada 2019/2020 Team Manager